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Writing your dissertation

The most important stage of the dissertation is the writing process. Here are the steps you should follow:

An outline:

The proposal was a preliminary outline, now you need something a bit more detailed and specific to guide you in the writing process. Your outline will include: The introduction, literature review, methodology, findings, and your conclusion.


This will include a background to the study, and a detailed thesis statement. You will then clarify the purpose of the study. You will then need to give concise definitions of the related terms in the project. You should also provide a hint of your expected final results.


This is the final chapter of your dissertation. Here you will rehash the study and report your findings. In this section you will also need to mention the difference that your findings make to the academic community.

Literature review:

Here you will review the research process for previous research.


How your research was conducted, and the methods used to locate resources.


This is the most important stage of the writing process; your findings are what define your dissertation.

Write a winning proposal

This is a short paper that will introduce the topic of your dissertation and formulate a plan as to how you intend on writing it. Some colleges don’t require a proposal, even if they don’t write one anyway it will help you to write more effectively. These are the things that you should address in your proposal:

  • Describe the problem that your dissertation is going to address?
  • Why does your academic community find this issue to be a problem?
  • What is the significance of you finding a solution?
  • How are you going to find a solution?

These are all important questions for making a decision to study the topic at hand. Spend some time brainstorming so that you choose a theme that is unique and valuable. You don’t want your questions to be too complex that you can’t answer them effectively. The question that you choose should lead you to a hypothesis that you can test and then prove with strong arguments.

Before you start writing your proposal, discuss different topics with your supervisor or check ThesisHelpers.

Conduct effective research

Your research will determine how well your project develops. It has to be effective and methodical, because you don’t want to waste time analyzing and reading information that is irrelevant. Here are some tips to assist you with this stage.

  • Make a timeline for your research: It isn’t necessary to read every piece of information about your subject. You need to find the right amount of resources to ensure that you have an all round understanding of what you are writing about. The main aim of incorporating research into your dissertation is to show that you have studied the topic and that you have a solid comprehension of previous research and understood its limitations.
  • Locate the right places to look for resources: The internet is a good starting place for your research; however, not all websites are reliable. If you are going to use the internet as a part of the research stage make sure that the sites that you use are authoritative.